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12 July 2018 Blog Contentworker Legal Case Management Document Management Private Sector

Fed up of looking for the needle in a haystack?

It is estimated that 57 per cent of office workers spend up to an hour per day looking for missing documents ¹. This overhead represents a big problem for businesses. In fact, survey findings contained within IDC’s white paper, Bridging the Information Worker Productivity Gap: New Challenges and Opportunities for IT, point out that the time information workers waste dealing with the myriad of challenges associated with working with documents (of which one is locating them) costs an organisation around $19,732 per information worker, per year and amounts to a loss of 21.3 per cent of an organisation’s annual productivity.

For many law firms, relying on a combination of disjointed electronic systems, paper-based archives and email platforms to create, store, modify and disseminate documentation, this loss of productivity of fee-earning workers presents considerable risk to operational performance, as well as profitability.


“Thanks to powerful search functionality underpinned by automatic metadata tagging and assignment, Contentworker promotes both enhanced efficiency and productivity.”


Contentworker helps to ease this headache and, thanks to powerful search functionality underpinned by automatic metadata tagging and assignment, promotes both enhanced efficiency and productivity – empowering users to easily locate documents in seconds. From tracking recently used matters and documents to provide users with speedy access to their recently viewed items; harnessing the sophisticated search engine capabilities of Microsoft SharePoint to deliver intelligent results instantaneously; and alerting users to a document’s relevance in relation to several factors, such as type, case manager and client.

Contentworker introduces structure to the traditionally unstructured environments of email platforms and cumbersome electronic filing systems to create instant, holistic visibility over an organisation’s entire document library; supporting users to locate documents with ease, speed and precision.


Find out how top 30 Dutch law firm, Kneppelhout & Korthals, has taken control of document management and anticipates productivity to increase by 4,400 hours per year as a result.


¹  Workfront – March 2016 report: Unlocking the UK’s ‘Daily Savings Time’