Formpipe uses cookies to improve how the website works for you as a visitor. To change your settings or for more information about cookies, click on 'Settings'.
Formpipe uses cookies to improve how the website works for you as a visitor. Here you can change and see information about what cookies are used. Turn on and off categories and save your choice. To learn more click 'Cookie policy'.
These cookies are essential for the website to operate correctly and cannot be disabled without ruining the usability of the website. We delete these cookies when you leave the website, where possible.
Name | Retention period | Information about the cookie | Disclosure of information to third party |
ASP.NET_SessionId | Used to maintain an anonymised user session by the server. | 1 session | No. |
cookie-consent-settings | Used to determine if the user has accepted the cookie consent, contains consent choises | 30 days | No. |
lidc | To promote data center selection | 1 day | Yes, LinkedIn |
li_mc | Used as a temporary cache to avoid database lookups for a member's consent for use of non-essential cookies and used for having consent information on the client side to enforce consent on the client side | 2 years | Yes, LinkedIn |
BIGipServer~EPWS~EPWSWEB103_HTTP_Pool | Determine pool | 1 session | Yes, EPiServer |
These cookies are used to track our visitors across our website. They can be used to build up a profile of search and/or browsing history for every visitor, or to better understand how the user uses the website so that we can improve it. Identifiable or unique data may be collected. Anonymized data may be shared with third parties.
Name | Information about the cookie | Retention period | Disclosure of information to third party |
_fbp | Used by Facebook | 90 days | Yes, Facebook |
AnalyticsSyncHistory | Used by LinkedIn | 30 days | Yes, LinkedIn |
bcookie | browser identification | 2 years | Yes, LinkedIn |
lang | Language preference | 1 session | Yes, LinkedIn |
li_gc | Used to store guests' consent to the use of cookies for non-essential purposes | 2 Years | Yes, linkedIn |
lms_analytics | Used to identify LinkedIn Members in the Designated Countries for analytics | 30 days | Yes, LinkedIn |
_guid | Used to identify a LinkedIn Member for advertising through Google Ads | 30 days | Yes, LinkedIn |
_ga | Used by Google Analytics to identify a visit. | 2 years | Yes, Google gains access to the information collected by the cookie. |
_gid | Used by Google Analytics to identify a visit. | 24 hours | Yes, Google gains access to the information collected by the cookie. |
_gat_gtag_[Property-ID] | Used by Google Analytics to identify if a visitor (web browser) is new or recurrent. | 1 minute | Yes, Google gains access to the information collected by the cookie. |
These cookies are used by third party to track and collect data to be used in advertisment. They can be used to build up a search and/or browsing history for every visitor. Identifiable or unique data may be collected.
Name | Information about the cookie | Retention period | Disclosure of information to third party |
ajn | Used by adnxs for marketing | 90 days | Yes, adnxs |
uuid2 | Used by adnxs for marketing | 90 days | Yes, adnxs |
IDE | Used by Google doubelclick | 2 years | Yes, doubleclick |
_gcl_au | Google adsense | 30 days | Yes, Google |
msd365mkttr | Dynamics marketing | 2 years | Yes, Microsoft |
NID | Google ads optimization | 6 months | Yes, Google |
__Secure-3PAPISID | Builds a profile of website visitor interests | 2 years | Yes, Google |
__Secure-3PAPISID | Builds a profile of website visitor interests | 2 years | Yes, Google |
__Secure-3PAPISID | Builds a profile of website visitor interests | 1 year | Yes, Google |
UserMatchHistory | Sync LinkedIn Ads ID | 30 days | Yes, LinkedIn |
lms_ads | Used to identify LinkedIn Members off LinkedIn in the Designated Countries for advertising | 30 days | Yes, LinkedIn |
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Hovedkontor, Stockholm
Formpipe Software AB
Sveavägen 168, Stockholm
Box 231 31, 104 35 Stockholm
SE – Sverige
Tel: +46 8 555 290 60
Gasverksgränd 2, 582 22 Linköping
Tel: +46 8 500 072 25
Metallverksgatan 6, 721 30 Västerås
Engelbrektsgatan 6, 702 12 Örebro
Lautrupvang 1
2750 Ballerup
Tel: +45 3325 6555
Flere kontaktinformationer for det danske kontor?
England, Cambridge
First Floor, Block A, Harston Mill,
Cambridge – CB22 7GG
Tel: +44 1223 872747
England, Nottingham
Unit 1, Isaac Newton Centre
Nottingham Science Park
Nottingham – NG7 2RH
Tel: +44 115 924 8475
Formpipe Lasernet GmbH
Am Flughafen
60549 Frankfurt am Main
Formpipe, inc.
1200 US Highway 22 E Suite 2000
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Tel : +1 908 200 7937
Signe Simonsen er ny Markedschef for Formpipes Fondsområde. Signe har en baggrund fra forsvaret, hvor hun er uddannet officer, og har desuden en diplomuddannelse i teknologisk projektledelse og en international MBA. Hun har arbejdet med strategi- og forretningsudvikling, salg & marketing, opbygning af strategiske partnerskaber, bæredygtighed, verdensmålene og inklusionsprogrammer. Dette har hun gjort i store og små virksomheder, både inden for det offentlige og private.
Fondsmarkedet vil digitaliseres
Fondene i Danmark oplever en stigende interesse fra ansøgere til deres formålsbestemte projekter.
En analyse fra Danmarks Statistik viser, at alene i 2018 uddelte fonde og fondslignende foreninger 17 mia. kr. fordelt på ca. 80.000 bevillinger til at støtte store og små projekter primært i Danmark. Det estimeres, at fondene samlet set modtager over 500.000 ansøgninger om året. Bevillingerne fordeles hovedsageligt til projekter med videnskabelige, kulturelle, sociale, natur- og miljø, sundhed, uddannelse, erhverv og humanitære formål.
Sammen med den stigende interesse for fondenes projekter ses samfundets øgede krav til datasikkerhed og GDPR compliance og et voksende behov i samfundet for transparens. Det betyder, at flere fonde digitaliserer deres administrative processer. Ikke blot for at imødekomme ansøgeres og samfundets efterspørgsler, men også for at skabe synergi, effektivitet og sikkerhed i fondens processer og dagligdag.
Smidig og transparent fondsadministration
Med afsæt i stor erfaring inden for ansøgning, administration og udbetaling af Statens midler har Formpipe udviklet systemunderstøttelse, som sikrer smidig, transparent og sikker administration af fondenes uddelinger. Med Fondsadministrationssystemet FAS tilbyder Formpipe den fulde pakke med portal, ansøgningssystem og økonomistyring – suppleret med et udvalg af integrationer, som f.eks. er med til at levere effektiv GDPR understøttelse og sikre pengestrømme.
FAS er for alle fonde, som har en vis volumen i sit ansøgnings-flow og som ønsker at skabe synergi mellem ansøger og sine medarbejdere gennem effektiv og transparent kommunikation i hele ansøgning- bevilling- og udbetalingsprocessen.
Vi er meget glade for at byde Signe velkommen på Formpipe-holdet.
Tag endelig fat i Signe til en snak om en digital transformation af din fonds arbejde. Du kan fange hende på eller på 72 20 81 67.